KinoKonzert 06: Ensemble Offspring | Nosferatu
Silent Film with Live Soundtrack
Sydney’s premier contemporary chamber group Ensemble Offspring will team up with Perth-based composer Christopher Tonkin for a brand new interpretation of the silent film classic Nosferatu: a Symphony of Horror (1921). The movie by legendary German director F.W. Murnau is an expressionist adaptation of Bram Stoker's original Dracula story.
KinoKonzert 06: Ensemble Offspring | Nosferatu in Melbourne
7:00 PM | Silent Film with Live Soundtrack
KinoKonzert 06: Ensemble Offspring | Nosferatu in Brisbane
7:00 PM | Silent Film with Live Soundtrack
KinoKonzert 06: Ensemble Offspring | Nosferatu in Canberra
6:00 PM | Silent Film with Live Soundtrack