Contemporary Dance

Joy Ritter, Lukas Steltner © David Azurzo

The choreography residency in Montreal has been supporting German-Canadian exchange for years. In cooperation with fabrik Potsdam, artists from Germany and Canada each have the opportunity to get to know the local scene of the host country and to work actively in it.

Researchers abroad immerse themselves in a foreign culture and broaden their own creative horizons. This is primarily about the process and not the creation of a product, because the original project often changes decisively during the common work in the context of the residence. This is promoted by the decentralised organisation of the Goethe-Institut, which makes it possible for the residences to develop their own programmes.

In Montreal, for example, the residencies are unique due to the strong involvement of local and German partners. The invited German artists work locally with Canadian artists so that they can easily become part of the local scene. At the same time, the partner institutions in Germany offer a residence opportunity for Canadian artists.





© Tomi Grgicevic

Joy Alpuerto Ritter & Lukas Steltner
Video: Heimkehr

Resident artists Joy Alpuerto Ritter and Lukas Steltner have worked on a duet with the title Heimkehr, in which they explored the consequences of a forced separation on a couple, inspired by stories and ordeals experienced by their family members during World War II. Learn more about this project with this video clip shot during the artists' stay in Montreal.


© Goethe-Institut/Tomi Grgicevic

Dance residency
Kihako Narisawa (chorégraphie) and Sonoko Kamimura in Montreal

Through the collaboration of the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec, the Goethe-Institut Montreal and fabrik Potsdam – Internationales Zentrum für Tanz und Bewegungskunst, artists Kihako Narisawa (choreography) and Sonoko (dance) received a residency in October in the studios of Circuit-Est centre chorégraphique. During this residency, they worked on a project entitled FIGURATIVE, based on the influence of our cultures of origin on verbal and non- verbal communication.


