Your selection
Blended Learning (intensive) at the institute

Goethe-Institut MTL
5 Weeks
05/13/2024 - 06/17/2024
Mon 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM , Wed 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
CAD $ 600.00


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Please select here in which language you would like to communicate with us.

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When you send us the information contained in the contact form by clicking on the button below, you declare your consent for us to use your personal data for purposes of answering your enquiry and/or contacting you. You can revoke your consent by sending an e-mail message to If you revoke your consent, your data will be erased immediately. Otherwise, your data will be erased after we have processed your enquiry or if the purpose of storing it no longer exists.

Privacy Policy
Julie Holland Julie Holland
Language Course Coordinator
Cell phone: (438) 346-3902
Tel.: +1 (514) 499-0918

Trial Classes

To reserve your spot in a trial class (online), please send an email to: The next trial class take place in mid-June.

If you do not know your level, we will determine it together with the help of a test.

Please note that some course formats have changed names. Please get back to us if you have any questions about it.