Sascha Hommer at Festival BD de Montréal

Festival BD de Montréal

Rendez-Vous à L'Espace La Fontaine

Sascha Hommer © © Sascha Hommer Sascha Hommer © Sascha Hommer
The 7th Annual Montreal Comic Arts Festival (MCAF – FBDM) will take place from Friday May 25th  to Sunday May 27th,  2018, at Espace La Fontaine in the heart of La Fontaine Park.

This outdoor festival is your opportunity to meet local and international cartoonists, attend talks and live drawing sessions and pick up great new books. All activities are free and open to the public.
In 2018, the MCAF celebrates the various comic book professions by putting forward comic artists, inking artists, scriptwriters and other actors in the shadows

Saturday, May 26, from 2:00 pm - 2:45 pm : Comics journalism
Sunday, May 27, from 1:00 pm - 1:45 pm, Discussion

Sascha Hommer

Sascha Hommer, born in 1979 in south Germany, studied at the University of Applied Sciences Hamburg under Prof. Anke Feuchtenberger. His first graphic novel „Insekt“ was published in 2006, his most recent publication is the graphic travelogue „In China“. Hommer lives as a graphic novelist, freelance illustrator, curator and lecturer in Hamburg.



Rendez-Vous à L'Espace La Fontaine

Parc Lafontaine

Price: Free admission

514-499-0159 # 105 bibliothek-montreal@goethe.de