Risen Leaves

Risen Leaves

A Rare Books Workshop from the collection of the Jewish Public Library

Goethe-Institut Montreal

The Dr. Michael David Paul Rare Books-Initiative

The JPL has a number of special collections but one of the most valued ones ones are the Rare Books.

The earliest of the 1,500 books is an incunabulum printed in 1481 (about 20 years after Gutenberg), and while the array of books ranges from early Hebrew grammars, Talmuds, kabbalistic works, liturgical texts, history, and early antisemitic tracts, there are also unusual tracts dealing with religious vestments, architecture, and travel.

Three of the JPL’s librarians will discuss these books, the history of printing (as well as Hebrew printing), and share some of the strange stories and scandals that underscored the production of these works.

The emphasis for this workshop will be on German imprints from the 16th-19th centuries.

Please RSVP: Phone: 514 4990159 #105 or email:


Goethe-Institut Montreal

1626 boul. St-Laurent
Bureau 100
Montreal, QC H2X 2T1

Language: English
Price: Free admission, registration required

+1 514 499-0159 #105