CANCELLED: German storytelling hour for children

Ludwig the literary Lion
Ludwig the literary Lion | © Goethe-Institut Montreal

Goethe-Institut Montreal

This event has been cancelled due to the current COVID-19 situation, for the protection of the general public.

Read by Katharina Ritter

The German storytelling hour aims to be a meeting for children aged 3 to 5. Starting at 3:30 pm, reading is the guest of honor: stories and fairy tales from our library will amaze your little loved ones. Arts & crafts will follow the reading.

There is a limit of 14 children per reading. Each child must be accompanied by an adult.

This event is meant for German families as well as for families who would like to introduce German to their children.

Let us tell you a story!

Katharina Ritter
Katharina Ritter

Katharina Ritter actually started telling stories at the age of five. After completing her commercial training, she ended up in the film industry, working for others & listening to others for over ten years, before finally discovering her own form of "filmmaking" in 1998: storytelling - that is, cinema in the mind.

Since then, she has been travelling up and down the country with stories, borrowed or of her own, developing audio guides and storytelling series for museums, publishing audio-visual books and telling and narrating - preferably in her dialect - always in a free, wild and direct manner.



Goethe-Institut Montreal

1626 boul. St-Laurent
Bureau 100
Montreal, QC H2X 2T1

Language: German
Price: Free admittance - RSVP required

+1-514-499-0159 # 105