Augmented Reality Workshop mit Artivive

Image & Bias
Illustration Goethe-Institut San Francisco

In French


April 15, 2021 at 10:00 EDT
Free, upon registration:



This workshop is part of the Image + Bias and the open call Visualizing Bias with Augmented Reality, launched by the Goethe-Institut, Gray Area, Fotomuseum Winterthur and Artivive to invite artists, designers and the public to submit creative representations on the topic of bias.

More information about the project, the call and how to submit.

About the workshop:

Expand your art into a new dimension and explore new storytelling approaches with this free augmented reality workshop led by Artivive artist Fabien Jacob. Using videos, layers, stop motion animation and more, Artivive lets you activate your physical artwork through AR. This introductory workshop is perfect for graphic designers, illustrators, and anyone who wants to bring their work to life.
No prior technical skills are needed to participate.
Artivive enables you to combine analog and digital elements, allowing anyone to create AR assets and deliver an immersive digital experience. Our host will guide you through the creative process, as well as showing you how videos can be overlaid into a physical space and viewed through mobile devices. Of course, you will also be able to ask any questions along the way via the live chat function.
Who is it for?
  • Graphic designers
  • Illustrators
  • Art enthusiasts
Why participate?
  • You will get the chance to create your first AR art piece
  • You can experiment with your designs and explore a new medium of storytelling
  • Join our community of creatives
What do you need to join the workshop?
  • A computer with an internet connection
  • A mobile phone or camera
  • A pen and a paper 
Workshop outline:
  • A survey of AR art
  • Case Studies: AR in museums, galleries, and street art
  • Individual project: Layer your AR creations onto your analogue art piece
  • Applications: Explore a new medium with your art

About Artivive
Artivive is the platform where artists build the future of analog and digital art.The vision is to change how art is created and consumed and build the community around augmented reality art. More info.





Language: French
Price: Free, upon registration.