Zines & Power: Resisting Algorithmic Culture

© Marvin Luvualu

Goethe Institut x TCAF


This program is part of Goethe-Institut Toronto's Algorithmic Culture series & is an affiliate event of the Toronto Comic Arts Festival

Explore how zines have served as sites of resistance and opportunities to creatively engage community in conversations about power.

This workshop will explore how zines might play a role in complicating a cultural system increasingly run by algorithms and massive digital platforms. Goethe-Institut Toronto will be commissioning three zines in Toronto and three zines in Berlin in order to provide multiple perspectives, drawn on engagement with community, around what is happening and what might happen next.
Register for Free! A zine (short for magazine or fanzine) is a self-published work with a smaller circulation that combines original and/or appropriated texts and images. 

Artificial intelligence is contributing to a world intolerant of difference and deviation. This is not the first time, nor the last, where technologies and their owners try to shape the world to their benefit. This workshop will explore how zines have served as sites of resistance and sense-making for communities facing pressure from totalizing regimes. 

From samizdat in the formerly socialist Eastern bloc to the formation of social justice movements in America to exploring gender beyond boundaries, zines have long served as a site for expression, collective meaning, and self-authorship.

This conversational workshop will explore the role of zines, the changes underway in our culture as a result of automated systems, and the official announcement of the commissions. 

This workshop is appropriate for those new to zines and those interested in exploring how zines are being re-imagined in response to the rise of algorithmic culture.




Language: English
Price: Free!