Kraftwerk Jugend

Daniel Seiffert : Sans titre (de la série Kraftwerk Jugend), 2010-2012
Daniel Seiffert : Untitled (from the series Kraftwerk Jugend), 2010-2012 | © Photo (detail): Daniel Seiffert

A Photography Exhibit by Daniel Seiffert

Promenade de la plage Paspébiac

As part of the Rencontres internationales de la photographie en Gaspésie

The series Kraftwerk Jugend bears witness to the process of decline affecting the towns in southeastern Germany, hit by unemployment and recession. In it, Daniel Seiffert examines the effects of that recession, which manifests itself in the urban landscape, but also in social relations. His approach scrutinizes the way in which the young grow up in those areas where the population is aging and steadily decreasing. Over the space of a year, Daniel Seiffert documented the effects of that urban disintegration on teenagers who sometimes choose a radically different path from their environment. His photographs reveal that state of fragility between adolescence and adulthood.

Daniel Seiffert

Born in Berlin, Germany, in 1980, Daniel Seiffert lives and works as a freelance photographer in his hometown.

A graduate of the Ostkreuz School for Photography, he then studied political science, media and African subjects in Potsdam and Berlin in his native Germany as well as in Lisbon, Portugal. In 2011 he self-published his book Kraftwerk Jugend. Honored with the prestigious C/O Berlin Talents Award in 2012, he was also nominated for the FOAM Paul Huf Award that same year. 


Promenade de la plage Paspébiac

30, rue du Banc

Price: Free admission

+1 514 499-0159 ext. 107 kultur@montreal.goethe.org