Film series
„War at a Distance” | „Serious Games 1-4” by Harun Farocki

Erkennen und Verfolgen
© Harun Farocki Filmproduktion


Cinémathèque québécoise

Organized by Rémy Besson and Philippe Despoix (Centre de recherches intermédiales) and Regine Strätling (Centre canadien d'études allemandes et européennes), in collaboration with the Goethe-Institut and the Cinémathèque Québécoise, we present selected films by Harun Farocki. He is considered an important representative of German experimental and documentary film. This year would not only have been Harun Farocki's 80th birthday, July 30, 2024 also marks the tenth anniversary of his death.

War at a Distance

Erkennen und Verfolgen 
Harun Farocki
Germany, 2003, 58 min, video, original with german subtitles

In 1991, when images of the Gulf War flooded the international media, it was virtually impossible to distinguish between real pictures and those generated on computer. This loss of bearings was to change forever our way of deciphering what we see.
The image is no longer used only as testimony, but also as an indispensable link in a process of production and destruction. This is the central premise of War at a Distance, which continues the deconstruction of claims to visual objectivity Harun Farocki developed in his earlier work.
With the help of archival and original material, Farocki sets out in effect to define the relationship between military strategy and industrial production and sheds light on how the technology of war finds applications in everyday life.
(Antje Ehmann)

Serious Games 1-4

Ernste Spiele 1-4
Harun Farocki
Germany, 2009, 44 min, video, original with german subtitles

The German experimental filmmaker Harun Farocki (1944-2014) critically examined the war for decades. In one of his later works, the four-part series Ernste Spiele (Serious Games), which was created between 2009 and 2010 and can be seen in its entirety in the exhibition, he takes up the subject once again. Here he addresses how the virtual, or more precisely the world of video games and virtual reality, is finding its way into modern warfare. To this end, he filmed soldiers training on American military bases and veterans coming to terms with the war they had experienced - Serious Games reveals the fundamental links between technology and violence. - Kunst Museum Winterthur



Cinémathèque québécoise

335 boul. de Maisonneuve Est
H2X 1K1 Montréal

Price: Free entry

Part of series Tribute to Harun Farocki