Film Screening
Deutscher Filmklub: Alles auf Zucker!

"Alles auf Zucker"
©Isabel Spoerl

Goethe-Institut Toronto

In this month's Deutscher Filmklub we will be screening the German comedy Alles auf Zucker by Swiss filmmaker Dani Levy. The movie deals with modern Jewish identity in present-day Germany and can be seen as part of the "Ossi-Wessi" (east-west) confrontation within Germany. Levy depicts how the lives of two Jewish families are turned upside down by a twist of fate. The film offers a symbolic account of how, after the division of Germany in East and West, the country and its people are struggling to find each other again after unification.

Dani Levy was born in 1957 to Jewish parents. He first came to the performing arts when he became an an actor at the Theatre Basel where he stayed for three years. After living in the US for two years, he moved to Berlin and wrote many screenplays. 
Levi sometimes casts himself in a role in his productions. Alles auf Zucker!, which was released in 2004, was critically acclaimed in Germany and won in several categories at the Deutscher Filmpreis in 2005. 

The film will be shown in German with English subtitles. Afterwards there will be a moderated discussion in German.

Join us for an exciting edition of the Deutscher Filmklub all year long, where we will show one film from 1967 and our favourite films of the new millennium. You are cordially invited to the screening and the discussion afterwards.

All films are in German with English subtitles. The event is free but space is limited, RSVP to


Goethe-Institut Toronto

100 University Ave, North Tower, 2nd Floor
Toronto M5J 1V6

Language: German
Price: Free Admission
