Fiction | Autobiografie

Hans Magnus Enzensberger

Hans Magnus Enzensberger was already well known in the 1960s, the tempestuous decade of which “Tumult” is an autobiographical record. Derived from old papers, notes, jottings, photos and letters that the poet stumbled upon years later in his attic, the volume is not so much about the man but, rather, the many places he visited and people whom he met on his travels through the Soviet Union and Cuba. The book is a lively and deftly written travelogue offering a glimpse into the history of leftist thought.

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Engl. (Ind.)

Hans Magnus Enzensberger
Translation: Mike Mitchell
Kalkutta, Seagull Books 2017
319 pages

German original title


Hans Magnus Enzensberger

Berlin, Suhrkamp Verlag 2014
287 pages


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