Part 2: Intriguingly Untranslatable
5 More German Words You Should Know

The German language excels in capturing entire concepts in just one word. Here, we present 5 German words that defy easy translation.
By Hendrik Werner
1. Kummerspeck

Heartbroken individuals react differently. Some lose their appetite, while others overeat. They constantly raid the fridge, stash chocolate for late-night indulgence, and generally laze around due to misery. The outcome? Weight gain from emotional overeating, often referred to as "grief blubber" or Kummerspeck in German.
2. Erbsenzähler

The little one in the photo is holding a pod with exactly seven peas. But that doesn’t make them or us Erbsenzähler. Pea counters are people who take everything very precisely. Let’s say you’re on vacation with a friend and you write down your shared expenses. An Erbsenzähler pays attention to every cent and presents you with a bill of, for example, 134.76 euros at the end.
3. Sturmfrei

When someone uses the term "sturmfrei" (storm-free), it's not really about the weather. It actually means they have the house to themselves. In the past, teenagers used to be excited about having a "sturmfreie Bude" (storm-free pad) when their parents were out. Nowadays, people in their mid-forties might use it when their partner is away for the evening.
4. Schilderwald

A forest and lots of signs – so is this a Schilderwald, a sign forest? Not at all. If you want to experience a real German sign forest, you’ll have to venture out onto the road. At some intersections or on certain stretches of highway, there are so many road signs around that drivers hardly know which one to follow first. A forest of signs.
5. Augenweide

Sure, you can do your eye area some good with a moisturizing mask. However, an Augenweide or “pasture for your eyes” is something else: similar to “eye candy.” If the food at a restaurant looks really nice, you'd call it an Augenweide. Likewise, if you spot an attractive person, they're also an Augenweide. Gorgeous landscapes fall under this category too. So, go on, explore and enjoy the visual delights around you!