Online Workshop
„Heute schon die Welt geküsst?"- Nein? Dann lasst uns Theater spielen...!

© colourbox


An online workshop series for German language learners!!
How do we treat each other? How do we want to deal with each other? How do we have to deal with ourselves in order to be tolerant and appreciative of others at all? At school, at the dining table or in the digital network? "Kissed the world today?" Doesn't even the smallest gesture have an impact on the world? We offer an interactive online theater stage for thoughts, dreams and visions on questions of togetherness. We can present our ideas with playful elements from the theater.
Experts: Kai Meister / Stefanie Siebers (Theatergruppe „Die Mimosen“)
Duration of the Workshops: 10 x 2 hours
Schedule: 24.05.-04.06.2021 – 16.30-18.30Uhr
No. Of Participants: 20
Language Proficiency: A2+



Language: German
Price: On Invitation to PASCH-Students