Event series
Film Series MUSI.K.QUE

Film Series
(c) Alliance Francaise de Kotte

German-French Co-Productions

"When you visit a place
And want to know what culture prevails there
What depths and superficialities are there
then listen to the music, which is made there.
You will learn everything about this place. "


With this quote by the Chinese philosopher Confucius, German director Fatih Akin opens his film Crossing the bridge, which is part of the film series.
The cooperation between the Alliance Française and the Goethe-Institut Sri Lanka, tries to show the audience with the help of the film serie MUSI.K.QUE, that the two countries have musically more to offer than export hits, such as the French chanson singers Edith Piaf and Mireille Mathieu and the German rock bands Rammstein and The Scorpions.
The diverse selection of the film series includes on the one hand feature films that have music as the main subject, as well as documentaries about different genres in their development process from the past and today.
For a short time the audience has the chance to get in contact with another culture by allowing themselves to be guided by the sound of the country without having to visit it themselves.
Music here has the function of a lingua franca, and ultimately helps not only to expand one's own image of a culture, but above all to transport feelings that require no words.