Spooky Reading Night 2017

Storytelling, games and fun!

Goethe-Institut Namibia

It’s that time of the year again and the Goethe-Institut Namibia is hosting its annual Halloween night for children aged 7 to 12. Set to be bigger and scarier every year, the night will this year be filled with various activities that include reading, theatre, face-painting, poetry and dance. Registration includes a pizza dinner and attendees must bring their own sleeping bag and pillows. The event that is this year being hosted for the sixth time will on 28 October close off with a theatrical performance from 09:00 to 09:30. Parents and siblings are welcome to attend. Contact us for more information and registration closes on 23 October 17:00.


Goethe-Institut Namibia

1-5 Fidel Castro Street
P.O. Box 1208 Windhoek

Language: English and German
Price: 75 NAD

+264 61 225700;