Public Screening
700 Sharks

Science Week 700 Sharks
© ARTE France, Le cinquième rêve, Andromède Océanologie, Les gens bien

Science Week 2019

Namibia Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft

Legend has it that the shark is a lone wolf. He hunts alone. Think again. The latest science shows that the shark actually hunts in packs. In a groundbreaking experiment, five of the most experienced underwater scientists in the world will dive at night among 700 starving sharks, the largest school ever recorded. It took them 3 years of preparation to dare descend among the predators. Their goal is to fit electronic trackers on one hundred squalls to monitor their movement and organization during nocturnal hunting. The challenge is to produce a 3D mapping which will reveal the sharks’ movements, gathering points, attacks and strategies, at a scale that has never been done before. This study revolutionizes our understanding of the world’s greatest predator.   


Namibia Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft

110 Robert Mugabe Avenue

Language: English
Price: Free Admission

+264 61 225 700
Part of series Science Week 2019