Heikki Kaski (FI)

Heikki Kaski (FI)

Heikki Kaski © © M. Lebryk 2022 Heikki Kaski © M. Lebryk 2022
Heikki Kaski is a Finnish artist working with visual art, sound and performance. The background of his visual art practice is photography, and it permiates also the other “categories” of visual arts that he does, be it painting or video. The other trajectory of his work is sound and especially vocal sound.

Kaski has a background and schooling in “classical” music and a strong interested in choral music, – or, rather he’d like to call it choral sound. He holds an an MFA from Gothenburg University and has exhibited in solo and group shows in Finland and beyond.

  • Heikki Kaski 1 © M. Lebryk 2022

  • Heikki Kaski 2 © M. Lebryk 2022