Auditorium Forum: Building & Sustainability

VIETNAM ENERGY EFFICIENCY BUILDING WEEK 2018 © Vietnam Energy Efficiency Network

Thu, 30.08.2018

1:30 PM - 4:30 PM

Goethe-Institut Hanoi

Stakeholders discuss multiple perspectives on sustainable building and methods to achieve a sustainable building environment. Participants are professionals from business, universities, various organizations  from technical, engineering, architectural fields.
Vietnam Energy Efficiency Building Week 2018 (VEEBW2018) promotes the sustainable use of Energy in Vietnam’s building environment. Sustainability is best achieved in a cradle to cradle approach. This implies that building of houses, roads and infrastructure in general should be organized along the complete life cycle of the construction: from the planning and design of the building – construction – maintenance and operation- dismantling and recycling of the material - End of life cycle.
Vietnam Energy Efficiency Network (EEN Vietnam) was founded by Vietnam Sustainability Social Enterprise (VSSE) in 2017. This is a social platform for practical knowledge exchange between universities, engineers, energy users and energy consultancies as well as energy efficiency suppliers for Vietnamese market to deal with challenges on sustainability Energy and adapt energy efficiency use objectives.
