Student Event German Day Out 2017

GDO 2017 Victor Torres (

Wed, 26.07.2017

Melbourne Town Hall

Event for Students of German in Year 8-12

This year's German Day Out topic is: Deutsch. Vielfalt erleben.
Students of German in Years 8-12 from across Victoria are invited to join us in the Melbourne Town Hall.
The main program starts at 11am with the student forum which focuses on valuable experience reports and information about living and studying in Germany. Students can expect interesting presentations from experts of German in the educational field, as well as exciting reports from former students of German. Highlight of the day is the announcement of this year’s winners of the Goethe-Institut/ AGTV Student Scholarships.
The afternoon program is as usual optional and needs to be booked separately prior to the day. This year, we’ll offer a guided tour through the Goethe-Institut exhibition Fast Fashion at the RMIT Gallery (please contact if interested). Alternatively, you can choose between the MIFF Schools film at Hoyts Melbourne Central (title: Fly Away Home) and the program 'Wunderbar Germany' at the NGV International.

Registrations for the German Day Out are available here.

Travel Subsidies: The AGTV supports teachers from government schools, which are more than 90km from the CBD with a travel subsidy. Please apply here
This event is supported with funding from the Victorian Government to the AGTV. Thanks also to the City of Melbourne for sponsoring the venue hire.
