Symposium featuring International Speakers
Developments in Artificial Intelligence (AI) are happening faster today than ever before. As machines become more intelligent, cultural context will be crucial. For our Sydney symposium
The Relevance of Culture in the Age of AI, we invited a selection of high-profile international speakers to discuss how cultural and social scientists, philosophers, linguists, artists and people of different cultural and social backgrounds can play a role in shaping how AI will impact society. This event is linked to the
Kultursymposium in Weimar/Germany, a triannual conference on culture organised by the Goethe-Institut in June 2019. More events in Australia are to be confirmed throughout 2019.
Symposium: The Relevance of Culture in the Age of AI
Date: Friday 08 March 2019
Time: 4 pm – 8 pm
Address: Goethe-Institut in Sydney, 90 Ocean Street, Woollahra NSW 2025
Free with Eventbrite Registration.
Capacity Exhausted.
Moderator: Fiona Martin, Sydney University
Speakers (in alphabetical order):
- Angie Abdilla (Sydney). Founder & CEO of Old Ways, New. Leader of international consortium of First Nations technologists developing next iteration of Indigenous AI. Fellow of The Ethics Centre.
- Melvin Chen (Singapore). Philosopher at Nanyang Technological University. Specialises in philosophy of AI, creative cognition research, ethics & metaethics, aesthetics, philosophy of the imagination.
- Aurelie Jacquet (Sydney). Lawyer and Founder of Ethics in AI Australia. Chair for the National Mirror Committee within Standards Australia, named IT-043.
- Karaitiana Taiuru (Christchurch). Advocate and proponent for digital Māori rights, cultural appropriation, data sovereignty/digital colonialism, te reo Māori revitalisation with technology.
- Toby Walsh (Sydney). Scientia Professor of AI at UNSW & Technische Universität Berlin. A leading AI researcher who has been called the "rock star" of Australia's digital revolution.
- Theresa Züger (Berlin). Head of the Office for the Third Engagement Report at Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society. PhD about digital forms of civil disobedience.