Cultural Encounters between South Asia and Germany
Young Choreographers’ Platform

Young Choreographers' Platform’

Since 2014 the Young Choreographers' Platform works with young dancers and choreographers to develop their own contemporary Bangladeshi dance language in bringing their own stories, themes, and dreams to the stage. Artistic director is Tom Bünger.

View recordings of the young choreographers featuring Sudeshna Swayamprabha, Anandita Khan, Ariful Islam Arnab, Tahnun Ahmedy,  Md. Eashin Arafat amongst many others.

Our partners have been Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy, University of Dhaka, Bistaar Art Center Chittagong, Ocean Dance Festival, Neustart Kultur DIS-TANZ-SOLO, and Kossi Sebastien Aholou-Wokawui.
