Alex Klobouk

  • Alex Klobouk - Gemany - Changing the picture 1: Push bot Illustration: © Alex Klobouk

    Alex Klobouk - Gemany - Changing the picture 1: Push bot
    Push bots are so called social bots, computer programs able to simulate human behavior. They post, comment & interact in social networks, acting like real users. By spreading dozens, hundreds or thousand of posts and comments push bots can strongly influence opinion making. They were used successfully e.g. in the Ukraine conflict to manipulate public opinion pro Russian as well as the US presidential election 2016: Supposedly 32.7 % pro Trump posts, 22.3% pro Clinton posts are by bots.

  • Alex Klobouk - Gemany - Changing the picture 2: Pull bot Illustration: © Alex Klobouk

    Alex Klobouk - Gemany - Changing the picture 2: Pull bot
    Pull bots are so called social bots, computer programs able to simulate human behavior. Today many online shopping or booking processes are executed by pull bots. They support the user and are able to solve increasingly complex tasks.

  • Alex Klobouk - Gemany - Changing the picture 3: Echo chamber Illustration: © Alex Klobouk

    Alex Klobouk - Gemany - Changing the picture 3: Echo chamber
    Echo chambers are filter bubbles that form, as we navigate through the internet via social media and search engines. We like, subscribe and share information. This information is used to create tailor made offers for us. Regarding products this may be useful, concerning people and opinions it is dangerous: if a provider only suggests friends, groups and information, that matches me, this leads to a confirmation of prejudices and one sided, dogmatic visions.

  • Alex Klobouk - Gemany - Changing the picture 4: Fake news Illustration: © Alex Klobouk

    Alex Klobouk - Gemany - Changing the picture 4: Fake news
    Fake news are misinformation spread on purpose. Often they are created for commercial use as the flashy fake news generate more clicks then real content. Each click makes money. Once fake news are shared in a circle of friends, facebook makes such popular posts visible to a much bigger group - the posts spread widely. This can influence public opinion and has also resulted in violent actions.

  • Alex Klobouk - Gemany - Changing the picture 5: Media Awarness Kit Illustration: © Alex Klobouk

    Alex Klobouk - Gemany - Changing the picture 5: Media Awarness Kit
    Question your emotions: Reacting very emotional to a text or post? What caused this effect? What`s the content? | Recognize quality journalism: Check on: construction, motivation - different sources provided? Different perspectives? | Check the sources: Reliable? Who speaks? Who profits? Who payed? | Enjoy a diverse media diet: Check on what »the others« say today that`s easier then ever.


Kit for media awarness

Populism and nationalism are spreading all over europe and beyond. One very important means to spread propaganda and campain inconsiderately is the internet.

It is not easy to always know what is right, so to dismantel internet manipulation, it is important to know how it works and to train our media awarness.
Here´s a little illustrated introduction and a useful KIT for MEDIA AWARNESS.


“Push Bot”
Oxford university study via BBC / Deutschlandfunkv

“Pull Bot”
Deutschlandfunk / Wikipedia

“Echo Chambers”
ZEIT / WIkipedia

*T-Shirt: llustration of twitter echo chambers. Followers of Hillary Clinton and followers of Donald Trump hardly connect and therefore are not aware of the others worldviews.

“Fake News”
WDR: / Wikipedia / NEW YORK TIMES:

“Media Awarness Kit”
JFK Institute, Freie Universität Berlin vía.www.ZEIT.DE
