Call for Tender For External Service Provider on Cultural Indicators (Deadline Extended)

Call for Tender: External Service Provider on Cultural Indicators and Statistics StockSnap / pixabay

*** Deadline for submitting technical and financial offers has been extended to 15th of September ***

Goethe-Institut invites interested organisations to submit proposals for the open call for external service provider on Cultural Indicators and Statistics in the framework of EU funded project EU4Culture.

General Information

The Goethe-Institut is the Federal Republic of Germany's cultural institute, active worldwide. It promotes the study of German abroad and encourages international cultural exchange.
Goethe-Institut together with Czech Centres, Danish Cultural Institute and Institut Francais de Georgie, implements the EU funded project “EU4Culture”. The project supports cultural sector as driver of economic development in Eastern Partnership Countries.

Scope of the call

The aim of the call for tender is to select External Service Provider to:

  1. Deliver capacity building on cultural indicators for EU4Culture project participating non-capital cities from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Republic of Moldova and Ukraine.
  2. Provide mentorship and consultancy to local authorities of EU4Culture participating cities in identifying, processing, and analyzing relevant data at the local level.
  3. Conduct three-stage research in all EU4Culture project participating cities that includes collecting and analysing relevant data using quantitative and qualitative indicators at baseline, mid-point, and endpoint.

For detailed overview of the assignment and eligibility criteria please see Annex 1 – Terms of Reference (ToR).


The budget for the assignment shall not exceed the maximum ceiling of EUR 110,000, including all taxes.


Legal entities established in one of the EU Member States or Eastern Partnership Countries are eligible to apply. Eligible applicants are required to have at least 5 years' experience in research, consultancy, and capacity-building in the field of Culture, Creative Industries, Regional Development or similar.

Applicant questions
  • Questions regarding the tender must be sent to with the subject line Question - Cultural Indicators and Statistics no later than 30.08.23, 12:00 (CET).
  • The questions of all bidders and the answers will be made anonymously available to all bidders in written form by 08.09.23, 12:00 (CET) at the latest.

Application Process

Interested eligible applicants are invited to submit technical and financial offers in English together with all respective annexes electronically to by 15 September 2023, 12:00 pm (CET).

For detailed information regarding the scope of the assignment, eligibility, application process and templates for the annexes please refer to Call for Tender Document.

 Call for tender documents:
 Tender Question and Answers:
