
Empfelung des Monats - Juli
© Ravensberger, HarperCollins

As we read biographies of famous people, we often learned that they have had difficult childhoods. Have you ever wondered, if it was exactly the difficult experience that made the person successful in adulthood? Anna, the protagonist in the book "When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit", whose father is a famous writer, wonders about it just the same. 

"When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit" is the first book in the semi-autobiographical novels by German-British writer Judith Kerr. It describes Anna's and her family's exile from Germany and their new lives in other parts of the world: first in Switzerland, then in France, and at the end of the first book, in England. Compared to other similar stories of exiles during the Second World War, Anna's story is almost like a fairy tale. While Anna and her brother encounters typical difficulties in exile: not speaking the language, not knowing customs and manners, missing their friends and loved ones, the family suffering from poverty; yet the brother and sister grow up, find new friends, and learn to take responsibility. The family, despite all the difficulties, stays together most of the time. 

The story is adapted to a movie and premiered in Germany in 2019. 

The German version of the book "When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit" can be borrowed from library of Goethe-Institut Hongkong. 
