Visual & Sound Bath - Singing Bowls

An accompanying programme of the exhibition "Light Up"

Black Box Studio

To unwind and practice self-care is the use of a singing bowl or sound bath to boost relaxation..In this workshop, we would guide you into finding your inner voice through chanting and relaxing through Tibetan singing bowls with a one-of-a-kind visual & sound bath riding on a meditative art installation.

Maximum number of participants: 8 (Adults aged 16 or above)

Tickets at HK$150 are now available at art-mate. Barrier free access to the Goethe-Institut for wheelchair users

There will be a guided tour to the exhibition "Light Up" in the Goethe-Gallery and Black Box Studio by the exhibition curator right after the workshop.

Instructor: Peggy Ho

    ©     Light Up Peggy Ho
A singing bowl and professional dancing artist, Peggy Ho’s dance career began at the age of six with the junior dance programme at HKAPA. Since that time her experience has expanded beyond performance to choreography in Hip Hop, Contemporary and, most notably, Jazz. At Hong Kong Baptist University she took part in the Dance association before graduating in 2005.



Black Box Studio

14/F Hong Kong Arts Centre
2 Harbour Road

Language: Cantonese
Price: HK$150

852 2802 0088