Krishnapriya C P & Narendran K
Five Million Incidents

The Dictionary of Nonsense

Krishnapriya C P and Narendran K

Krishnapriya C P and Narendran K © Krishnapriya C P and Narendran K
© Krishnapriya C P and Narendran K
Krishnapriya C P and Narendran K are practicing visual artists, educators and cultural producers based in Chennai. They both completed their Masters from the Govt. College of Fine Arts, Chennai. Their works are multidisciplinary in nature, using painting, drawings, text and digital mediums to engage with their concerns. They work as a collective and also as individual artists, deeply interested in history and the ways in which it plays out in the present. They are interested in the complexities of the present and the socio-political circumstances of the globe. They have done numerous art exhibitions and cultural events to create a collective sharing space for discussions. They facilitate artists’ residencies in their studio residence. Krishnapriya was one of curators of the two editions of the Students’ Biennale, Kochi (2016-17 and 2018-19). She and Narendran were resident artists at the University of Pennsylvania (Fall, 2017 and Summer, 2019), supported by the South Asia Centre, Upenn.

The Dictionary of Nonsense © Krishnapriya C P and Narendran K
© Krishnapriya C P and Narendran K
The Dictionary of Nonsense attempts to occupy time to think through the idea of ‘nonsense’. As an exercise, each alphabet of the word NONSENSE will be expanded with a word that acts as a trigger to further explore the idea of sense and nonsense. These eight words have been carefully selected as points of departure and to present hidden and direct meanings. The engagement to the word will sometimes be a direct response to the meaning, sometimes a counter reaction and sometimes attempting to make absurd connections. The attempt will rest on investigating how we get offended, our lack of tolerance for each other and to find new ways to reconnect our lives by breaking into the idea of freedom through exhibiting and engaging with nonsense as an idea, explored linguistically, socially, politically and visually in a playful manner, to invoke humour and contemplation within the everyday.
