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Max Mueller Bhavan | India

M3: Man, Male, Masculine

Männerbilder Pune Vorschaubild

What image of men is conveyed in our society today? What shapes and influences young men and their perspectives and leads to their masculine performativity? An approach to gender roles through game theory, gamification elements as well as through the approach of sociological perspectives.

About the project

What does masculinity mean today? What is a man allowed to be and what should he be? Terms like #metoo, mansplaining, or toxic masculinity have long since burned themselves into our consciousness - especially in the social media, debates are being conducted that have changed our image of masculinity forever. What image of men is being conveyed in our society today? What shapes and influences young men and their perspectives and leads to their masculine performativity? What role can the internet, technology, and gaming play in shaping an equal future? Understanding the position of gender identities in Indian society today and how it has evolved will be focused. Another goal of the project is to address or explain gender roles through game theory and gamification elements, building blocks of game design, and the approach of sociological perspectives.


Short Film: " A real man would never..."


Glocal Films ©Glocal Films

Glocal Films

Glocal Films is a nonprofit film production company based in London and was founded in 2004 by Kerstin Rickermann and Silke Beller. They conceive and direct a wide variety of participatory film projects worldwide
in the field of educational cultural work. 
