Mini-INPUT 2018

(c) Goethe-Institut Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka Foundation Institut

From October 17 – 19, 2018 the Mini-INPUT (International Television Conference) will take place in Colombo. The Mini-format of the international INPUT is happening in order to allow even more interested people of the film, television and media industry to access and discussion the TV films of the international INPUT. This year's Mini-INPUT in Colombo will feature the most interesting, moving and controversial formats of the INPUT international conference in Brooklyn. The formats were selected by the Goethe-Institut and Rupavahini TV.

François Smit, National Coordinator INPUT South Africa, Philipp Vongehr, Head of the Talk and Factual Entertainment division - Norddeutscher Rundfunk in Germany, Adreas Klempin, Project Manager in the fields of Science and Education - Goethe-Institut Thailand and Athula Disanayaka, Television Producer and Director - Rupavahini TV, will moderate the discussions that follow the shown TV productions. In addition, the Sri Lankan TV director Kanchane Marasinghe will be there to answer questions on his production "A house is not a home," which was also screened at the INPUT in Brooklyn.

The opening session of this year's Mini-INPUT will take place on October 17 at the Goethe-Institut and is only open to invited guests. In the opening session the Danish documentary "Human Smugglers" will be screened.

On October 18 and 19, a thrilling program with 17 TV productions in total awaits the film and television experts in the premises of the Sri Lanka Foundation.

(c) Goethe-Institut Sri Lanka

(c) Goethe-Institut Sri Lanka



Sri Lanka Foundation Institut

Language: English
Price: On Invitation only

+94-11-2694562 or +94-11-4712636