Teasession + Filmscreenings
Soupspoon: Soupspooning Spectral Asia(n)

DALL·E: Fleeting, displacement, haunting, fiction, Neijing Tu, countering techno-orientalism, Soupspooning, The Package of the Ghost, tea
DALL·E: Fleeting, displacement, haunting, fiction, Neijing Tu, countering techno-orientalism, Soupspooning, The Package of the Ghost, tea | © DALL·E

Goethe-Institut Rotterdam

Soupspoon is een groep Rotterdamse kunstenaars met wortels in verschillende Aziatische landen die zichzelf zien als een studiegroep voor performatief en lichaamsgerelateerd artistiek onderzoek en die in Nederland een gemeenschappelijke, Aziatisch gecontextualiseerde ruimte willen creëren voor het bijzondere, het ongrijpbare, en voor een kunstpraktijk van 'kleine gebaren' en 'micro-politiek'.

Soupspooning Spectral Asia(n) is het eerste evenement van het collectief, als onderdeel van het onderzoeksproject Investigating The Dialectic Of Arrival aan het Goethe-Institut in Rotterdam.

Entry One.
Those who sleep with ghosts at nights would know that their abodes are co-extensive with ours. The Chinese character of ghost, 鬼, depicts a scenario: a monstrous head (甶) loosely fixed on top of a human denominator (人) with a private, leaking package (厶) comfortably rests on its right leg. –The ghost is a present participle, to "return". The question is, where to?

Entry Two.
Being haunted by similar ghosts (things or experiences) forms a group of people with similar elements of cognition. The ghost is not simply dead or missing people, but a social figure, and investigating it can lead to that dense site where history and subjectivity make social life.
Haunting in particular means that something has happened or is happening⁠—drawing attention to what we experienced, not only knowing through cold knowledge. 

Entry Three.
A weird collective belief, that convinces the public that "Asia" begins from a geographic border, culturally, socially distant from the west, has the effect of exposing the presumption of how we understand in the name of Asianness. We want to turn inwardly to each other and ask, why we are not unsettled about this feeling of incongruity, how one could possibly explicate reasons for our taking this underlying presumption for granted. We remain haunted by the opaque idea of what constructs us, thus reconciling in imaginaries and fictions, yet functioning as real figurative and structural impact on society and daily life.


Semi-openbaar evenement, slechts enkele plaatsen beschikbaar, meer informatie en reservering via soupspooning@gmail.com.


Goethe-Institut Rotterdam

Westersingel 9
3014 GM Rotterdam

Taal: Engels
Prijs: gratis
