Film GFF: The Goldfish

The Goldfish - film still: a group of people, colourfully dressed, walk along a pavement © Goethe-Institut

Sat, 14.08.2021

3:00 PM

Dunedin, Metro Cinema

Germany 2019, 112 mins
Director: Alireza Golafshan
Rating: M - violence and offensive language

From life in the fast lane to a wheelchair: fund manager Oliver (Tom Schilling) is paraplegic after a car accident for which he was at fault. It is not only his broken body and the new state of being “disabled” that is causing him problems. He desperately needs to withdraw his illicit money from a Swiss bank account before the German tax office gets to it. What better way than organising camel therapy in Switzerland for his physically challenged house mates, The Goldfishes.

The fabulous cast includes Jan-Hendrik Stahlberg and Axel Stein who portray two men living with autism, Jella Haase as empathetic care giver, Birgit Minichmayr as a flippant person with a visual impairment, Kida Khodr Ramadan as a stoic nurse and  - a great discovery – Luisa Wöllisch as a young woman with Down syndrome. This fast-paced road movie’s ruthless humour doesn’t exclude minorities - or majorities either. All and everything comes under attack, shared laughter can be very liberating.
