Bangkok, Bangalore, Berlin
Concert: Disturbing the Universal

Disturbing the Universal - Trickster Orchestra Ketan Cymin
Disturbing the Universal - Trickster Orchestra Ketan Cymin | Photo (detail): © Silke Weinsheimer

The Trickster Orchestra hail Beethoven as a genius who shook everything up in the history of music. They are collaborating with present-day “tricksters” to elaborate a contemporary musical idiom.

The name “Trickster Orchestra” refers to the mythological and literary archetype of the “trickster” who plays havoc with the “divine order of the universe” using secret lore and his own wits. The Trickster Orchestra hail Beethoven, with his revolutionary approach, as the greatest “trickster” in the history of classical music. Cymin Samawatie and Ketan Bhatti, two former artists-in-residence at the German-Turkish Tarabya Cultural Academy, are now joining dramaturg Elisa Erkelenz on an expedition to Bangkok and Bangalore in search of today's musical “tricksters”. They are developing a new contemporary musical idiom in workshops with local musicians in both cities to make the most of their very different musical traditions. The resulting compositions will be performed in conjunction with a multimedia installation and a discussion event at the Radialsystem Space for Arts and Ideas in Berlin. 

Reconnaissance trips:

  • 5–13 November 2019: Bangkok
  • 1–9 March 2020: Bangalore

Planned performance:

  • 25 October 2020: Radialsystem Space for Arts and Ideas, Berlin