Cooperation partners

Institut Pierre

The Institut Pierre Werner (IPW) is a European institution that promotes cultural and intellectual dialogue between its three founding countries Germany, France and Luxembourg. The IPW was founded in 2003 on the initiative of the German, French and Luxembourg governments as a non-profit organisation under Luxembourg law. The organisation is sponsored by the Goethe-Institut, the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Luxembourg Ministry of Culture.

IPW Logo © Institut Pierre Werner © Institut Pierre Werner


dasKULTURforum Antwerpen is a young forum that bundles, promotes and organises German cultural events in Antwerp together with partners from the academic, cultural, industrial and diplomatic worlds. The forum was initiated by the German embassy and the Goethe-Institut Brussels and has been an official partner of the Goethe-Institut since 2014.

Logo dasKulturforum © dasKulturforum © dasKulturforum


EUNIC is the network for cultural institutes of the member states of the European Union. It was founded in 2006 and currently has 30 members active in more than 150 countries. Its activities include the arts, languages, youth, education, science, intercultural dialogue and development issues.


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