Cooking workshop Cuisinez avec Annika!

Cuisinez avec Annika : Rotkohl © A. Wegerle/Aim Pé

Sun, 12/19/2021

11:30 - 2:00 PM


German cuisine workshop

Surely you’ve heard about German cuisine classics such as Brezeln, Sauerkraut, Kartoffelsalat and Streuselkuchen… But have you ever cooked German recipes? If not, this is your chance! This fall, we are offering a series of online cooking workshops where you can discover a few delicious, comforting and easy recipes to make.
This workshop series is for people who already have some cooking experience. The workshop will be held in French.

There are many traditional Christmas meals in Germany (often influenced by different regions), among which you’ll find for example roasted goose, Rinderrouladen (braised beef rolls), Kartoffelsalat & Würstchen (potato salad & sausages), Sauerbraten (beef or pork roast marinated in vinegar) and many more. But there are certain elements that are present on many tables at Christmas: Rotkraut & Kartoffelknödel (braised red cabbage & potato dumplings). They’re classic side dishes for all kinds of roasts and braises - the spices in braised cabbage complement many kinds of meat and potato dumplings are the perfect vehicle for sauces and gravies.

In this second cooking workshop in December, chef Annika will show you how to prepare these traditional Beilagen (side dishes) that you can enjoy during the holiday season, be it in their classic role as accompaniments or simply by themselves.

The recipe, along with instructions and the link to the workshop, will be sent by email on December 14 to those who have registered. Limited spots available! Please register by email at
Until then, don’t hesitate to email us if you have questions about the workshop. We look forward to cooking with you!

OUr Chef

Annika Wegerle Annika Wegerle | © A. Wegerle Annika Wegerle grew up in a small town in the South-West of Germany, where she was regularly fed her Oma’s potato salad, her mother’s pea & Spätzle soup and her other Oma’s cheesecake. After several years in Berlin and Montreal, she moved to Paris to study Culinary Arts at the prestigious cooking school FERRANDI. She has worked at several gastronomic restaurants in Paris.
