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Musikrückblick 2023 © Dan Cristian Pădureț on Unsplash

The German Music Scene
Retrospective 2023

The German music scene reinvented itself in many ways in 2023. We look back on a year that was (among other aspects also) musically eventful, in which new collaborations emerged, new technological paths were broken and there were some surprising discoveries to be made between tradition and innovation.

Space Invader "Fire Flower" © Space Invader, Photo: Lunapark

New series in our #artbits-blog!
Flower Power

The strength of flowers is their beauty, resilience and transformative nature. Flowers lift spirits, convey emotions and bring joy to those who encounter them. The power of the flower lies in its ability to touch people, inspire them and remind them of the interconnectedness of all living beings.

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Popcast 7/2024 © Manuel Schuller

Popcast | July 2024
The latest music from Germany

... every month in our Popcast. This time with Kolossale Jugend, Skee Mask and many more!


Lisez l'Europe © Colourbox

European literature in Montreal
Lisez l'Europe

"The meeting place for European books" consists of a group of European cultural institutions whose mission is to present in Montreal a contemporary perspective on European literature. 

Fliegende Seiten © Shutterstock

Current Literature in Germany

The literary scene in Germany is as diverse and colorful as the population. Be it groups of young writers or magazines in very small, self-published editions, find out more about exciting things from the German literary scene!

Junge Lesende © Oriol San Julian at Shutterstock

Literature for Young Readers

Reading promotes development, expands both language vocabulary and horizons, and stimulates the imagination. It helps to understand others and discover new worlds. On this page, we present great new publications for young readers from the German-speaking world.

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Goethe on demand © Eichholz Film

Goethe on Demand

On Goethe on Demand, the streaming platform of the Goethe-Institut, we present a variety of online film programs, film festivals and film series that can be streamed from home. 

Achtung Film! - Banner Monik Richter © Goethe-Institut Montreal

Achtung Film!

Achtung Film!, the Goethe-Institut’s monthly film series, will be presented at the beginning of every month at the Cinématèque Québécoise. The focus remains contemporary German cinema in all its diversity and richness, from fiction to documentaries, established to emerging filmmakers, from entertaining to challenging films.

Dennis Vetter is film critic, moderator and program curator, as well as co-founder of “Woche der Kritik” in Berlin, the Berlin Critics’ Week. Since 2020 he is the artistic director and part of the curatorial team. Mathieu Li-Goyette is a Montreal-based film critic, film curator and editor-in-chief of online film-magazine Panorama-cinéma.  © Tatiana Braun/Goethe-Institut Montreal

Interview with Dennis Vetter and Mathieu Li-Goyette
The Joys Of Debating

Dennis Vetter, co-founder of Woche der Kritik in Berlin and Montreal-based film critic, film curator and editor-in-chief of online film-magazine "Panorama-cinéma" Mathieu Li-Goyette in conversation about how debates can be an essential part of film programming.

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Cultural Promotion

Joy Ritter and Lukas Steltner © Mike Rafail

Residency programs

A residence abroad gives artists the opportunity to gather valuable experience and inspiration for the further development of their work. 

Goethe-Institut translation funding Photo: Goethe-Institut/Loredana La Rocca

Translation funding

Our translation funding programme supports the publication of books by German authors in another language.

Film archive © Goethe-Institut / Foto: Bernhard Ludewig

Film archive

Our film archive contains more than 650 films in DVD format (PAL). Films can be rented for non commercial screenings by educational institutions, such as schools, colleges and universities, as well as cultural institutions, such as art galleries, cinematheques and museums. 

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