Film + Discussion Field Trip - An interactive documentary about Tempelhof Field

Field Trip - Banner © ronjafilm

Wed, 08/26/2020

7:00 PM


Film + Discussion

Film presentation followed by a discussion
The two filmmakers Eva Stotz and Frédéric Dubois present excerpts from their interactive documentary Field Trip and talk about the idea behind this innovative project, the production and possibilities of a creative and collaborative use of open spaces in urban areas.
The discussion will be moderated by Viva Paci, professor of film theory at the École des médias and director of labdoc (Laboratoire de recherche sur les pratiques documentaires) at UQAM. Her research focuses on the history and theory of cinema, questions of cultural heritage in cinema, the relationship between cinema and television, and cinema and museums. Through her work on Chris Marker (published in French, English, Italian and Spanish), she immersed herself in the world of documentary thinking. Her publications include: Il cinema di Chris Marker (2005), Chris Marker et l'imprimerie du regard (2008), co-edition of the magazine Cinémas "Prises de rue" (2010), La comédie musicale et la double vie du cinéma (2011), La machine à voir. À propos de cinéma, attraction, exhibition (2012), co-edited by the magazine Cinémas "La télévision selon... Jean-Christophe Averty" (2016) and Une télévision allumé: les arts dans le noir et blanc du tube cathodique (2018).

The event will be broadcast live on Facebook:

About Field Trip:
Field Trip is a web documentary about an unconventional place: Tempelhof Field. It is an airfield transformed into a giant park in the heart of Berlin. Field Trip tells the story of a space that is, for some, a 300-hectare island of freedom, for others a scene of past trauma, where they had to work as forced labourers in the last days of the Second World War. Still, others see it as a place of refuge. Field Trip seeks to answer the key and universal question of whether the modern metropolis can afford such open spaces and what value is collectively accorded to them across the different periods.

Using the techniques of „open hypervideo" and audience development, Field Trip has become a kind of living document. Using an old telephone booth in the Tempelhof park, the Field Trip team provides the local community with books and audio anecdotes from Berliners. Using a local telephone number, visitors can share anecdotes that connect them to this place. Field Trip selects the best anecdotes to integrate them into the web documentary.

Produced over 2.5 years and thanks in particular to a major socio-financing effort, Field Trip was launched for the first time to a German-speaking audience in May 2019 in collaboration with the daily newspaper Der Tagesspiegel. The English version was launched in June 2020 with the monthly Exberliner Magazine.
The vast majority of the film material was made available for reuse under a Creative Commons license.

Field Trip is a social impact documentary that seeks to leave its mark on an urban audience and the film community.

About the filmmakers

Eva Stotz
is a Berlin based documentary director with a keen look on global social phenomena. Her films were screened and awarded on film festivals worldwide. Eva explores artistic formats and expressions in order to find the right language to reach her audience. For more info:

Frédéric Dubois is an author and producer in the field of interactive media, specializing in documentary films. He is the editor of Internet Policy Review, a scientific journal on Internet policy issues. Frédéric is currently completing a PhD in research-creation in film and television production at the Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF Film University. He has been designing digital works individually or in collaboration for over 15 years, including Field Trip (2019), Atterwasch (Lead Award 2014, Festival Photo Gaspésie 2020), Fort McMoney (Canadian Screen Award for Best Original Interactive Production 2013), Trou Story Interactive (FWA 2012) and PIB (Webby Award 2011). Frédéric is a coach and trainer in journalism, documentary and science communication.
For more info:

Projets éphémères

This event is part of „Projets éphémères“ an online series of events happenings throughout this summer at the MIL Campus of the University of Montréal.
See their event calendar here.
