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Max Mueller Bhavan | India


Where the Wild Tunes Are © Tobias Schrank

Electronic dance music, alternative pop and sound experiments of all kinds – that’s the musical program of Fusion, which, however, offers far more than music. The extended weekend in Lärz becomes a very personal experience, which can be individually compiled from its extensive cultural program.

Far from the everyday, a parallel society of a very special kind is created every year for four days at the end of June in Mecklenburg on a former Russian military airfield: the largest vacation camp in the republic! Fusion’s motto is four days of vacation communism. The name says it all, extending from music of the most diverse kinds to theatre, performance, and cinema all the way to installations and interactive interventions.


  • Turmbühne auf dem Gelände des Fusion-Festival © picture alliance/dpa, Christian Charisius

    Festival-goers celebrate the opening of the tower stage on the grounds of the 2019 Fusion Festival, a four-day festival featuring music, theater, performance, cinema and installation that has been held on a former Russian military airfield in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania since 1997.

  • Festivalbesucher stehen auf einem alten Flugzeughangar neben einer beleuchteten Fusion-Rakete. © picture alliance/dpa, Christian Charisius

    Festivalgoers stand together for a souvenir photo on an old airplane hangar next to an illuminated fusion rocket on the grounds of the 2019 Fusion Festival.

  • Festivalbesucher*innen tanzen © picture alliance/dpa, Christian Charisius

    Festival-goers dance on a stage decorated with glowing balloons on the grounds of Fusion Festival 2019.

  • Festivalbesucher*innen auf dem Gelände des Fusion-Festival 2019. © picture alliance/dpa, Christian Charisius

    Festival visitors on the grounds of the Fusion Festival 2019.

  • The landmark of fusion, the famous rocket. Montecruz Foto from Berlin, Alemania, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

    Take off: The landmark of fusion, the famous rocket in the backlight.


Fusion is considered the free spirit among the festivals, and what the people seek and experience here is as diverse as who gathers here. What unites them is the freedom to be as they want to be: unconstrained and uncontrolled. In a collective exceptional state, a carnival of the senses unfolds in a place without time, where the longing for a better world is reflected for the fusionists. The huge popularity of the festival and fears that the concept might become unbalanced by too much growth has led to the tickets now being drawn by lots to keep the number of visitors constantly below 70,000.
With all the activities on offer, the music is still the center of the action and many of the fusionists come mainly for the electronic music. The big floors, the tower and the lake stages, but also the Goa floor and some of the smaller stages are played non-stop from Thursday to Monday. The police have to stay outside and the stewards are volunteers who see themselves more as helpers than watchdogs. This is how Fusion has managed to be a huge, imaginative, creative, and above all peaceful four-day party.

© Wanderzirkus
© Wanderzirkus

The Fusion in numbers

Genre: Techno, Trance, Dub, Alternative Rock, Experimental music, HipHop
Founding: 1997
Place: Lärz (Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania)
Capacity: 70.000
Next event: July 2022

