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Carlos Porfírio © Goethe-Institut

About the project

2020 ist die Klimadebatte in den Hintergrund getreten, doch sie muss wieder Fahrt aufnehmen, wenn wir wirklich Dinge zum Positiven verändern wollen. Blog, Engage, Act! ist eine Plattform für junge Klimablogger*innen, die dazu beitragen will, den Fokus wieder zu verschieben und den Ideen und Zukunftsvisionen der Aktivist*innen mehr Gehör zu verschaffen. Vom Titel über die Themenauswahl bis zu Aktionen in den sozialen Medien sind die Blogger*innen deshalb an allen redaktionellen Entscheidungen beteiligt.

In einer globalen Krise sind Vernetzung und Austausch über lokale Fragen besonders wichtig. Die Blogger*innen kommen aus sechs verschiedenen europäischen Ländern und berichten auch über die unterschiedlichen Herausforderungen, vor die sie in ihren Ländern stehen. Woher sie kommen, was Ihr außerdem über sie wissen solltet und wer die Gesichter hinter den Texten sind, lest und seht Ihr hier.

Belén HinojarPhoto (detail): private

Belén Hinojar

Belén Hinojar is an advertisement  creative with more than 3 years of experience working in advertising campaigns for brands and environmental organizations with background on Audiovisual Communication. She was the owner of the different client strategies, besides producing audiovisual and design content and giving support of the campaigns on social media. Belén realized that climate change had the worst advertisement campaign in history, and joined her environmental scientist friend in founding Climabar, the climate change channel to discuss the climate crisis as Millennials would do: with drinks and memes.Now, she also works as Creative Content Manager of Impactr, and App that encourages climate behaviour.

Carmen HuidobroPhoto (detail): private

Carmen Huidobro

Carmen Huidobro is an environmental scientist with MSc. on environmental policy and management, who finally ended up on green communications as she saw a lack of opening the communications to a broader audience. Through the years, she realized green communications only reach already-aware audiences, and this needed to change. That is why she joined her creative advertisement friend Belén Hinojar to found Climabar, the climate change channel to discuss the climate crisis as Millennials would do: with drinks and memes. While she is not at Climabar, she works as Global Content Manager of Too Good To Go, where she creates content based on food waste science to raise awareness and inspire people to fight food waste. 

Matilde AlvimPhoto (Detail): private

Matilde Alvim

I was born in the village Quinta do Anjo, in Setúbal (Portugal). I’m 19 years old and I study Anthropology at the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences in Lisbon. I became involved in climate activism in 2019 when the Fridays for Future movement emerged, and since then I haven’t stopped dedicating my time to contributing to the fight for climate justice. 

Diogo SilvaPhoto (detail): private

Diogo Silva

He grew up in the associative movement, alongside with the Faculty of Economics, and had his first job in a project to curb youth unemployment in a social housing district in Lisbon. After 3 years in the area of entrepreneurship and innovation, in 2019 he started to dedicate himself full-time to climate justice activism. He started in the activist collective Climáximo, became part of Extinction Rebellion and co-founded the artivist collective ART FOR CHANGE. He is producer and speaker of the podcasts Are we enough?, CLIMA E and Planeta B. 

Lola SegersPhoto (detail): private

Lola Segers

I was born in Antwerp, Belgium in 2001 and have been a climate activist with Youth for Climate Belgium for 2 years. I am currently a first year biology student in Brussels. At Youth for Climate Belgium, I am active as a spokesperson and engage in the preparation of campaigns, as well as social media content.

Asuka KählerFoto (Detail): privat

Asuka Kähler

My name is Asuka Kähler, I am seventeen years old, non-binary, currently living in Frankfurt on the Main and am a Fridays for Future activist. I have started engaging in politics around spring 2019 during the first global strikes of Fridays for Future. I started in Frankfurt but quickly became involved in a lot of nationwide projects, currently mainly in internal strategic work as well as in press work. My activism is highly influenced by intersectional perspectives and is focused around the topic of climate justice and anti-capitalism (but also antiracism and feminism), since those were topics which I felt like were often completely missing in the work of Fridays for Future, especially in 2019 and the first months of 2020. 

Victoria BerniPhoto (detail): private

Victoria Berni

I am Victoria, born in 1991, a reporter on the ecological, democratic and social citizen initiatives that are flourishing in France. It all began one fine spring day in 2019. I am leaving my job as an engineer, in search of a fairer, more cooperative world, in cohesion with nature. I then produce video reports on this world that I discovered and founded the web medium Pays des Alternatives. On the schedule: Eco-construction, Sobriety, Permaculture, Shared Governance, Activism, etc ... The objective is to promote and make accessible struggles and life alternatives. 

Gabriele MagroPhoto (detail): private

Gabriele Magro

I was born in Turin in 1998: right time – right place for the golden age of Alessandro Baricco and Alessandro Del Piero. I studied brand storytelling and creative writing. In the past few years, I've been working as a digital content creator and copywriter for museums and cultural institutions.
