Fumi Takayanagi

Fumi Takayanagi © Goethe-Institut Finnland

Fumi Takayangi studied European Ethnology at Humboldt University in Berlin. From 2017 to 2019, she worked as research associate at MARKK (museum am Rothenbaum) in Hamburg for the cooparation program "Primus – PhD in museums" of Leuphana University Lüneburg. In her research, she deals with provenance research of the Sámi collection, especially of the collector Julius Konietzko. She presented a partial result in the exhibition "Spurenlesen im Schnee". In this program, she also worked as a co-curator in the special exhibitions "First things – looking back to look forward“ and "Of Humans and Wolve“ at MARKK.

One of her main research is also using of audio-visual methods. She produced ethnographic films such as "Through the City Garden" about a community garden in Berlin and "Alpine Rings Linger" about the farming of the Tyrolean alps, which were shown at several film festivals.