Online Seminar Series Physical activity as a communication incentive in German lessons

Online Seminar Series 'Communication in the German Classroom' © Getty Images

Tue, 03.12.2024

5:00 PM - 6:30 PM 17:00 GMT


Communication in the German Classroom

Many students are anxious about speaking German in the German Classes. In this workshop you will learn how physical activity can limit this nervousness and increase students' language learning, motivation and enjoyment in the German classes. The workshop is practical, and you will receive concrete tools to integrate physical activity into the German lessons. You will also receive concrete language activities that you can try out in your lessons.

Speaker: Jacob Nørregård
Jacob has a master's degree in sports and German from the University of Southern Denmark, where he specializes in German acquisition through physical activity. Jacob has been working inside the field of foreign language acquisition through physical activity since 2015 and has been doing workshops in courses in this topic since 2017. In 2019, Jacob did an action research project in which he examined how student participation and motivation in the German classes can be increased through physical activity. Portrait Jacob Nørregård Jacob Nørregård  
Registrations closed. 
