Exam partnership

Would you like to enhance your school's profile and offer your pupils an additional qualification?
Become a partner school of the Goethe-Institut in our exam partnership programme. Offer the internationally recognised Goethe-Institut Deutsch Zertifikat at your school.

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Auf dieser Seite haben wir das Wichtigste für Sie zusammengetragen

Advantages of Exam Partnership

Learn more about the benefits for students, for German lessons, and for your school’s profile.

Schülerinnengruppe schreiben und sitzen am Schreibtisch

Process of Exam Partnership

In just six steps, we explain how the exam partnership works.


To get to know us, we offer online info sessions. Feel free to contact us directly as well.

Advantages of the exam partnership


How does it work?

Contractual collaboration

Exam partnership means your school will conduct and grade examinations independently, but in collaboration with us. You name the person responsible for the orderly conduct of exams and the guarantee of confidential handling of exam materials.

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Examiner certification

Goethe exams may only be conducted by qualified examiners. Therefore, we will train and certify your German teachers. The qualification (a worldwide online process) is offered once a year from mid-August to late October. To become an examiner for the Goethe-Institut, teachers must have substantial experience teaching German as a foreign / second language (i.e. university, DLL or similar).

Scheduling exam datesn

Exam dates will be scheduled early, in consultation with the Goethe-Institut (year-round where possible)

Preparing exam candidates

Your German teachers will prepare students for the exams and register them for the appropriate examination dates.

Conducting the exams

The Goethe-Institut will provide you with all relevant examination materials. You will conduct the examination with at least three certified examiners at your school. Examiners may not examine their own students. After the examiners have graded the papers, all materials are sent back to the Goethe-Institut.


The Goethe-Institut will then issue the Goethe-Zertifikate and/or certificates of attendance for your pupils and send them to your school.


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Do you wish to become an exam partner? Please get in touch with us.

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