Tea Trip – A Fascinating Journey Through the Middle Kingdom

Tea Trip Teaser Bild
©Slanted Publishers

The plain truth behind China’s tea culture: China keeps the best varieties for itself! Only little is known in this country about the Chinese tea growing areas and the variety of flavors of the countless tea varieties.
Christian Beck is author of the book TEATRIP. He has been trading with the best teas from China, Taiwan and Japan for over 10 years. On his annual tea trips, he has become acquainted with the top tea growing areas and top players in Chinese tea culture.
Stefan Braun, one of the best food photographers in Germany, accompanied Christian for several weeks on his travels throughout China.
In the book TEATRIP, the authors tell the stories from over 10 years of tea shopping in China. The book takes you on a fascinating journey, which you can experience first hand thanks to sensational photos.

The book is available at the Library of Goethe-Institut Hongkong.
