Story Book
Beautiful Christmas! Wonderful stories for adults and children

Schöne Weihnachten!
© Thienemann

Sometimes all you need to be happy is simple. Says, a sofa, a blanket, a cup of chocolate milk, and a well-written and beautifully drawn picture book. This Christmas, find yourself a cozy spot at home, read a good book to comfort your soul!

Schöne Weihnachten! Lieblingsgeschichten für Groß und Klein includes short stories by writers such as Oliver Scherz, Edith Schreiber-Wicke, Astrid Frank, Michael Ende, Hanna Jansen and many others. Combined with the illustrations by Katja Gehrmann, this book is definitely the right choice for you, if you are looking for a quiet and peaceful Christmas holiday.

The book is available at the Library of Goethe-Institut Hongkong.
