October 2020: Read! The Book

Oktober 2020: Lies! Das Buch


"Literature is difficult." - some people think. It is even more difficult when it is in a foreign language. 

People tell stories to understand each other. Literature does not have to be complicated, puzzling or wrapped up in layers of obscure metaphor to qualify as real literature. Thirteen well-known writers have taken up the challenge of telling surprising, understandable, exciting, touching, even funny stories in simple language. In doing so, they must adhere to the following rules: 

1. We can be creative in the texts.
2. We write texts of 20 minutes reading length. 
3. We use simple words. 
4. We write simple sentences.
5. If we use symbolic languages, we explain them. 
6. We avoid time travel. 
7. We tell the story from one perspective only. 
8. We give our text a clear structure.
9. Use as few nouns as possible!
10. Use as many verbs as possible! 

The language may be simple, but the task is sure not. Will the writers manage it? Read the book and find out yourself! Though the book is written in German, its language is easy enough that even learners at A2-level would be able to understand it. 

"LiES! Das Buch. Literatur in Einfacher Sprache" and the audio book on it can be found in the library of the Goethe-Institut Hong Kong. 
