Student work

Winter school © Rydwan Ahmed

The students of the Winter School came together and developed their individual projects based on their research and learnings in Korail over four months. The outcomes of their ideas were presented through a visual narrative in the exhibitions under the project.
The exhibition was curated by Tarannum Nibir With the support of Ruhul Abdin, Abdul Kadir.

Project partners

Federal Foreign Office

The 'Korail- City of Culture' project is funded by the Creative Economy Programme of the Federal Foreign Office of Germany. The program is an evolving concept that builds on the interplay between human creativity and ideas and intellectual property, knowledge, and technology.

Federal Foreign Office © Federal Foreign Office © Federal Foreign Office


Paraa is a design workshop and architectural firm for critical design and research with a focus on the advancement of spaces in close collaboration with the respective local communities through multidisciplinary practice. Paraa’s work in Bangladesh as well as abroad includes the following central building blocks: A ‘school of thoughts’ of ongoing practice and research; responding through research to the rights and aspirations of the respective communities, Gaining and sharing knowledge about the built and natural environment in Bangladesh by connecting communities in developed as well as evolving societal contexts, promoting knowledge sharing through the development of innovative and participatory methods of participation.

Paraa © Paraa © Paraa

Floating Berlin

Floating University is a nature-culture learning site where practitioners from a wide range of backgrounds meet to investigate alternative, biodiverse forms of co-habitation in a partially contaminated rainwater basin, part of the former Tempelhof airport. Initiated as a temporary project in 2018 by architecture group Raumlabor, since 2019 the association has continued the experiment: to open, maintain, and take care of this unique site while bringing non-disciplinary, radical, and collaborative programs to the public. In other words, it is a place to learn to engage, to embrace the complexity, navigate the entanglements of the world, to imagine and create different forms of living.

Floating Berlin © Floating Berlin © Floating Berlin


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