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Europanetzwerk Deutsch

The German Foreign Office and the Goethe-Institut promote the German language as a working and procedural language in the European institutions through the exclusive grant programme Europanetzwerk Deutsch. Various language course programmes and events on socio-political and cultural topics provide the opportunity to improve existing German language skills and to become part of a committed alumni network in Europe. The activities take place both on site and online.


Europanetzwerk Deutsch Logo

Online course series from 20/09 - 25/10/2024
Latest news from Germany

The digital course series "News from Germany" focuses on topics that determine the political topicality of the day or set the tone in social discourse in Germany. Get informed and discuss with European colleagues during the lunch break! Applications are possible until 08.09.2024.

Europanetzwerk Digital: Online-Gruppenkurse für Ministerialbeamt*innen und Journalist*innen © Goethe-Institut

Autumn-winter semester from 08.10.2024 - 13.02.2025
Digital German courses for ministerial officials and journalists

Within the framework of online German group courses (A2 - C1), ministerial officials from the Permanent Representations of the EU Member States, journalists and ministerial officials from the EU Member States, EU candidate countries and the additional countries (Great Britain, Iceland, Norway, and Kosovo) receive language training. Participants from the fields of diplomacy and journalism take part in the face-to-face courses together.
The autumn/ winter term will start from the 08th of October onwards. If you are interested in participating, we invite you to send your application before the 15th of September.  

Nicolas Mahler: “Komplett Kafka” (Completely Kafka) © Nicolas Mahler, Suhrkamp Verlag

Poster exhibition and literature talk at the Goethe-Institut in Brussels (17 October 2024, 18:30 to 21:30)
Literature talk with Nicolas Mahler about "Komplett Kafka"

To mark the 100th anniversary of Franz Kafka's death, the Goethe-Institut Brussels is hosting an exhibition of the comic biography Komplett Kafka, created in cooperation with the artist Nicolas Mahler and the Literaturhaus Stuttgart, as part of its Europanetzwerk Deutsch programme and Bildungskooperation Deutsch. In addition to a literary discussion with Nicolas Mahler, there will be an opportunity to view the poster exhibition. 

30 Jahre Europanetzwerk Deutsch - Jubiläumsfeier 2024 © Europanetzwerk Deutsch/Goethe-Institut

Evening event on 14 November in Brussels
Anniversary celebration - 30 years Europanetzwerk Deutsch

To mark the end of our jubilee year, the Goethe-Institut cordially invites you to celebrate 30 years of the programme Europanetzwerk Deutsch. The anniversary celebration will take place on Thursday, 14th of November 2024 at the Representation of the State of Baden-Württemberg from 18:30 - 22:30. Further information will follow after the summer break. If you are interested, you can already register now.

Picture collage with participants of the Europanetzwerk Deutsch © Europanetzwerk Deutsch/Ludwig Nachtmann

30 Years Europanetzwerk Deutsch

The motto of our anniversary year is "The Future of Europe". In addition to our popular formats, we will make 2024 to an outstanding year with special events.

Our programme

EU-Kurs Frankfurt-Wiesbaden 2017 © Bernhard Ludewig

EU-courses in Germany

EU-courses are intensive language courses that take place at various locations in Germany (e.g. in Berlin, Frankfurt, Dresden, Munich) and include both, expert discussions with representatives of ministries and professionally relevant specialists as well as an accompanying cultural programme.

Kurse in Brüssel 2 © Europanetzwerk Deutsch/Goethe-Institut

Language courses on site

Here you will find information about our different courses’ formats. The focus of these courses is the teaching and practical application of the German language.

Europanetzwerk Deutsch © Europanetzwerk Deutsch

Europanetzwerk Digital

The Europanetzwerk Digital programme turns your desk into an individual study desk: Digital courses, lectures, readings or discussion groups on European topics are offered in a special environment.

Past events

Our past events

Would you like to get an insight into our activities and access the records of our last events? Here you will find an overview of our past projects.


Europanetzwerk Deutsch © Europanetzwerk Deutsch/Goethe-Institut


Who are we? What kind of work do we do? Who do we address? In this video, the Europanetzwerk Deutsch introduces itself.

Netzwerktreffen 2016 © Bernhard Ludewig

Establishing networks in Europe

Exclusive network meetings, current special programmes and lively exchange between European colleagues: by participating in our programme, you’ll become part of an active pan-European alumni network.

Europeans speak German © Europanetzwerk Deutsch/Isabel Stüker

Europeans speak German

Former participants of our courses report their experience with the German language and with the Europanetzwerk Deutsch.

Three female participants of the EU-course 2017 Berlin look at a cell phone together and laugh © Bernhard Ludewig


The Europanetzwerk Deutsch programme has been in operation since 1994. Here you will find a selection of interesting events from the past and have the opportunity to learn more about our work.

Jubiläum © Eric Berghen


‘Europanetzwerk Deutsch’ has been promoting German as a working and procedural language in European institutions since 1994. The programme celebrated its 25th anniversary in Brussels in 2019.


Europanetzwerk Deutsch

The newsletter “Europanetzwerk Deutsch” will inform you exclusively about the EU courses’ programme, advanced language trainings and events of the Europanetzwerk Deutsch.
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Goethe-Institut Brussels

In addition to the activities of the Europanetzwerk Deutsch at the Goethe-Institut Brussels, the newsletter Agenda will also inform you about the wide range of cultural events and projects of the Goethe-Institut in Brussels.

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  Katrin Schmidt © Katrin Schmidt Karin Schmidt
Programme Representative Europanetzwerk Deutsch
Tel. + 32 2 5858 525
  Isabel Stüker@ Isabel StükerIsabel Stüker
Programme Europanetzwerk Deutsch
Tel. +32 2 5858 526
