Participation for EU officials and ministerial officials from EU member states/accession candidate countries with working relationships with the EU institutions
Language level: B2 – C1
This 10-day online course consists of eight approx. 90-minute live meetings on five consecutive days (you will find the provisional schedule below). Language exercises will also be completed independently on a digital learning platform and can be individually corrected and discussed with your course tutor.
During the live sessions, you will discuss issues such as the Bundestag elections, the party manifestos and the electoral system and gain an insight into the work of the members of the Bundestag. In various live meetings, you can put your questions to the MPs directly and find out more about the election campaign. You’ll also get the opportunity to speak to journalists in the capital city about their work in the political centre of Berlin. This compact course provides an ideal opportunity to extend your professional network, consolidate your knowledge of German and open up new prospects.
Please note the following dates for the eight live sessions during the online course week:
Monday 9 August, 12.30 p.m. – 2.00 p.m. CET: Welcome to the online course
Monday 9 August, 7.00 p.m. – 8.30 p.m. CET: Evening event focusing on how governments are formed and a competitive party system
Tuesday 10 August, 12.30 p.m. – 2.00 p.m. CET: Language course unit and discussion with members of the Bundestag
Tuesday 10 August, 4.30 p.m. – 5.30 p.m. CET: Coffee break with journalists from Berlin
Wednesday 11 August, 12.30 p.m. – 2.00 p.m. CET: Language course unit
Wednesday 11 August, 4.30 p.m. – 5.30 p.m. CET: Coffee break with members of the Bundestag
Thursday 12 August, 12.30 p.m. – 2.00 p.m. CET: Language course unit
Thursday 12 August, 7.30 p.m. – 9.00 p.m. CET: Social evening (optional)
Friday 13 August, 12.30 p.m. – 2.00 p.m. CET: Language course unit and end of programme
Application deadline: 20.07.2021
To the application form