Participation for EU officials and ministerial officials from EU member states/EU candidate countries, Great Britain, Iceland, Norway or Kosovo with working relationships to the EU
Language level: B2 – C1
Topic focus: Climate, environment & public health
In this EU-course, you will discover the profound connection between climate, environment and public health: How does climate change affect the health of society and political work in Germany? Discover with experts from the fields of politics, business and science how Hamburg implements the global sustainability goals of the United Nations in its health, trade and urban policies.
The one-week intensive language course offers a unique opportunity to expand your professional network, refresh your German language skills and have discussions on current European policy issues with colleagues. The appointments are based on your requests and are prepared and followed up in the language course. The course is accompanied by a varied cultural programme.
Your stay in Germany will be supplemented by digital preparation in the form of two compulsory online live sessions in the days before arrival as well as self-study tasks. This is the best way to prepare for the face-to-face course and to get to know the other participants. For the digital preparation, a time commitment of approx. 4 hours is to be expected.
The EU-courses 2024 take place as part of the
30th anniversary of Europanetzwerk Deutsch and take up the topics of the
Conference on the Future of Europe.
To the application form