Learning & education

Do you want to learn German for free and practise for the next quiz show at the same time? Then you’ve come to the right place! We’ve prepared general knowledge questions about Germany and the world that are suitable for all levels. Which region of the world has the most penguins? What job did German inventor Carl Benz have in his summer holidays? Test your knowledge and impress your friends with what you know!

smiling woman doing research © Goethe-Institut, Getty Images

Platform for children


How can autonomous cars drive themselves? Why does a shell make sounds if I hold it to my ear? Why do I need to sleep? The world is full of questions. And we have the answers – clearly explained and free of charge. Professor Einstein and Sophie Schlau look forward to meeting you!

Children's University Photo: © Goethe-Institut Photo: © Goethe-Institut

Platform for teenagers


What does it look like in space? Where does electricity come from? And how does a robot function? As a student at our digital junior university, you will learn the answers to these and other questions, and improve your German at the same time, free of charge. Junior university is ideally suited to levels A1/A2 and A2/B1. 

Junior University Photo: © Goethe-Institut Photo: © Goethe-Institut

Podcast "kurz & bündig"

About politics, business and society

This podcast focuses on topics from politics, business and society in Germany and around the world. For example, how European is Germany? What is the the state of trading relations with China? The listening texts are in German and suitable for levels B2/C1.

kurz & bündig Podcast Photo: © Goethe-Institut, Europanetzwerk Deutsch Photo: © Goethe-Institut, Europanetzwerk Deutsch

Videos: daily life in Germany


Beer, sausage, cold weather. Does that make you think of Germany? In this video series, Nina and David investigate stereotypes. Which ones are really true? Which ones aren't? Germany is definitely surprising! Take a look - the videos are geared at learners from language lever A2 and higher.

Nina and David from the Germany Lab Image: © Goethe-Institut | DW Image: © Goethe-Institut | DW

Podcast "Superfrauen"

About feminism, culture and society

This podcast focuses on stories about women from all over the world. However different they may be, they all have one thing in common: they are role models. The paths they have taken through life are fascinating, smart and brave. The listening texts are in German and suitable for levels B2/C1. 

Super Frauen Podcast Image: © Goethe-Institut Image: © Goethe-Institut