'Deutsche Runde'
Travel broadens the mind... – Entertaining travel observations

Travel broadens the mind...
© CC0 License

Goethe-Institut Glasgow

Do you enjoy travelling? A famous German quote states: ‘If you go on a journey, then you have plenty to tell…’ The first Deutsche Runde of the new term offers a light-hearted look at travelling. Funny and critical poems, anecdotes and travel observations by German-speaking authors will help us explore famous and less well-known German travel destinations and find out many interesting facts along the way. You will have plenty of opportunity to hone your observations skills and practise fast responses in authentic travel situations. All aboard the Travel Express!   
'Deutsche Runde' is an informal gathering and exchange around a chosen topic of German language or culture. It is ideal for learners with some knowledge of German (B1 and higher). We meet once a month on a Thursday afternoon.


Goethe-Institut Glasgow

3 Park Circus
G3 6AX Glasgow

Language: German

+44 0141 3322555 library-glasgow@goethe.de